21st Century Archmage

Chapter 37: A Fine Day for Farewell

Translator: Lei

‘Have they never seen a human before? Looktil your eyes fall out, why dontcha!

Rumors had already spread throughout the covert, as evidenced by how people would whisper amongst themselves or evade as soon as they caught sight of me. It wasnt even as if I had an infectious disease, but a silent quarantine was inflicted on me. I inwardly cursed the people avoiding me as I briskly walked back to Bebetos hangar with the appointment letter in hand.



“Huhu, to fool around without a speck of fear. It seems youve gone crazy because you want to die!”

‘Huh, what are they doing?

In front of Bebetos remote hangar, two of the soldiers in charge of distributing wyvern food like pigs and sheep were kicking someone.

‘These bastards!

Crawling on the ground with agony, most likely from getting hit in the stomach, was Derval.

“You think that fearless cadet knight will be able to help you? Huhuhu. How dare you give orders from someone who will soon be sent to hell by His Highness the Crown Prince! Tch!”

“Step on him! Just looking at him pisses me off!”

They sure were going at it.

Bam bam!


Clenching my teeth, I soundlessly approached the completely unaware guys who were excitedly beating up Derval.

“Are you having fun?”

“W-who is it!”


These two had been so busy kicking Derval that they hadnt noticed that their time for retribution was approaching. They jumped in surprise at my cold voice.

“…..” The two soldiers furrowed their brows at the sight of me.

“Whats wrong? Keep going.”

Despite suffering quite a grievance, Derval was clenching his teeth and enduring it.

“N-no, we were…” They began to stammer out an excuse.

“Derval, whats going on?”

“I, I asked them to give me a pig for Bebeto to eat…” Derval said as he wiped the blood on his mouth with his sleeves. He glared at the two soldiers with blazing eyes.

“Is that so? But why are you getting hit, wheres the pig?”

I experienced for myself how it felt to grow cold with anger. My emotions dropped to icy frigidity. Within me simmered a rage that was like a cold block of ice on the North Pole.

“U-until now, the cursed wyvern has eaten leftover scraps. But this guy fearlessly asked to give us a pig, so…” babbled the soldier with a big mouth as an excuse.

“Thats why you beat him?”


Sensing something from my enraged query, the two lowered their heads.

“What about those pigs over there?”

“T-those are… the ones that are left over from todays distribution.”

“Is that so? Then can I have one?”

“N-no, that is… you cannot.”

“Why not? Is it because Im not a formal Skyknight? Or because Bebeto is a cursed wyvern?” I said with a smile of rage.

“In any case, you cannot have them. Those guys are for other wyverns in the evening–”



I pummeled a fist like steel into the belly of the guy who refused me.

“Guh… hah, hahh.” Having received a head-on blow, the soldier gasped, unable to catch his breath. His face turned white and he looked on the verge of passing out.

Then I pulled out the butchering sword attached to the carriage, and a moment later, a thud sounded. Cut by a light swing of the sword, the horse hitched to the carriage fell to the ground, blood flowing from its body.

“If you fail to bring the freshest meat from tomorrow onwards, then next time–” Blood dripped from the sword as I pointed it at the face of the pale soldier. “Youll become the wyverns meal.”

“U-understood. We will b-bring the freshest meat. Gulp.”

With the bloody sword just inches before their eyes, the men nodded. I did feel sorry for the horse that died, but I had no choice but to give a bloody warning.

“Get up, take this fresh horse meat to Bebeto.”

“As you command!”

After getting satisfying revenge, Derval responded energetically and got up.

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