White Online

Chapter 39: Contenders.

’ ’Isaac. ’ ’ Isabella narrowed her eyes dangerously.

Alice had her arms crossed, and she dug her fingers on her palm with enough strength to make it bleed.

’ ’It ’s alright, ’ ’ Isaac said gently, and the girl soon stopped crying— with embarrassment, she wiped her tears and hid her face in Isaac ’s chest.

There are suddenly over dozen strangers in her room!

Isaac looked towards his family and said, ’ ’Why are you here? ’ ’

’ ’You went missing. ’ ’ Isabella said coldly, ’ ’Why didn ’t you have your phone with you? We couldn ’t use the tracker. ’ ’

Isaac searched his pockets, and then he remembered that he had changed clothes in the morning.

His phone was in the pocket of his previous pants.

But then he remembered one thing, ’ ’Tracker? ’ ’ Isaac frowned.

Isabella whistled innocently.

Isaac sighed and rubbed his forehead.

’ ’Big brother. Who is she? ’ ’ Alice asked with a poker face, but the rage can be felt from her.

’ ’Ah, right. ’ ’ Isaac turned his gaze towards the shy girl, ’ ’I didn ’t get your name. ’ ’

She looked shyly around the room— she moved her head towards Isaac ’s ear and whispered, ’ ’My name is Luna. ’ ’

’ ’Luna… ’ ’ Isaac said quietly.

’ ’What is yours? ’ ’ Luna asked with a nervous heartbeat. She could feel Isaac ’s hot breath on her neck, making her pale face redder.

’ ’Isaac, ’ ’ Isaac replied.

’ ’Isaac… ’ ’ Luna said quietly, printing that name on her mind.

’ ’Who is she? ’ ’ Alice asked impatiently— she gritted her teeth seeing the two whispering with each other with such intimacy.

Luna stopped hugging Isaac and lowered her head shyly.

She used the blanket to cover her body, and she wished that the blanket was bigger so that she could hide her whole body.

’ ’Her name is Luna. I met her not long ago. ’ ’

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