Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 71: Xie Tian VS Xu Miao (1)

Wei Feng and Wei Xiang glared at Xie Tian with murderous intent. The elder brother whispered to the troublemaker younger brother, ”I ’ve seen your fight during the last round. I don ’t think you can win. ”

”I can reveal my true form. Once I transform, that human won ’t be able to touch me! ”

”Idiot! If you reveal your identity, our clan will perish! Those humans are savages. They will hunt everyone with the surname Wei. I know that you and I will be fine surviving on our own, but our sister will be in danger. Do you want to complicate little Yuan!? ”

Wei Feng gritted his teeth and glanced at Wei Yuan, who was playing with her new green robe. Her happy smiling face soothed him. But when he recalled that Xu Miao and Wei Yuan was in a relationship, he got moody again.

”You know what, brother? You ’re right. I ’m no match for Xie Tian without using my real power, but I can ’t allow that bastard to look down on us! ”

”And you ’ll commit suicide by fighting him? ”

”Of course not! I have another idea, ” Wei Feng laughed as he looked at Xu Miao, who was yawning and stretching.

Wei Feng leaped onto the stage, but he didn ’t bring a weapon with him. He gave Xie Tian and Jian Meng a friendly smile before he bowed to both of them.

”Xie Tian, it seems that there was a misunderstanding between us. I want to apologize to you if I offended you. Can you withdraw the challenge? ”

Jian Meng and Xie Tian were taken aback by Wei Feng ’s sudden change of heart. However, the protagonist was unforgiving, ”So, you ’re saying you ’re sorry after you ’ve murdered countless innocent people!? When they apologized to you, did you forgive them!? No, you didn ’t. My challenge stands. If you don ’t want to fight, kowtow to the families of your victims and apologize to all the girls that you tried to violate! ”

Many spectators nodded in agreement. Some of them were families of the victims, and they wanted Wei Feng dead. However, if this villain could at least apologize to them, they could move on with their lives.

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