Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 745: Pangu’s Offer

Chapter 744 – Destruction of Shu Han Republic

”How inefficient. We ’re on the verge of being defeated, but they ’re messing around? Are they looking down on us? ”

On top of the Huiji City ’s wall, a handsome long-haired young scholar in red-gold robes observed the formation of the battleships, which had attempted to leave but they u-turned and reformed the formation. He clicked his tongue as he was annoyed that Shu Han Republic Army played around with them.

Next to the scholar, a tall muscular man and a toned swordsman also watched how the battleships fought. Although these young men in their mid-20s were 9th-stage cultivators, they were stronger than 1-star immortals in their army. However, Sun Jian forbade them from participating in the battle unless the shield was broken.

Sun Ce, previously known as Sun Bofu in his previous life, was the muscle man. He scratched his head and looked at the other wall, where Sun Wukong was at.

”Do you think we ’ll get our turn? ”

The scholar, Zhou Yu, aka Zhou Gongjin in his previous life, followed Sun Ce ’s eyes and gazed at Sun Wukong.

”You will. The shield array isn ’t invincible. We manage to waste their time and energy somewhat, and we already migrated the commoners and weak cultivators out. ”

”Why do they need my sister? Do you know anything? ”

Zhou Yu pondered. He closed his eyes and thought of the princess, who was the strongest cultivator among the Sun Clan. However, nobody outside the clan knew about her existence, except the Mao Clan.

”The news about the young miss ’ prospect must have been leaked, and a horny loser from the Shu Han is enraged by the engagement? ” The swordsman interjected.

The refined swordsman with ponytail hair was Ling Tong. However, in his previous life, his name was Ling Tianlong!

The ex-protagonist still retained some of his sword talents. He was currently working as Sun Ce ’s bodyguard, and he still relied on Death Fortress Sword Style and Plum Blossom Sword Style.

”I doubt it. If they only want the young miss, they wouldn ’t have attacked us with their full force. Instead, they could have used a political approach, such as briberies, sanctions, or border pressure to force our hands. But attacking us head-on is not something a soon-to-be son-in-law should act if they want to marry her. Instead, I think they don ’t need her at all, but they simply want to destroy our military foundations. ”

Zhou Yu turned his attention to the cracked barrier and warned his brothers.

”Enough chit-chat. Get ready to fight. I ’m going to go back and tell Gan Ning and Lady Zhu to prepare our secret weapons. ”

Sun Ce and Ling Tong cracked their knuckles and brought out their heaven-grade artifacts, which were given by Lady Zhu, who was their minister of the artifact research department. They unsheathed their heaven-grade swords and thought of their pink-haired minister.

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