Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 672: A New Challenger

Chapter 671– Cheaters

”Boss, are you really giving us 10,000 RMB? ”

Standing before the crowd of ten thousand players was Pan Mei, who had once competed against Miaomiao in the trial pagoda.

His real identity was Pan Xian ’s son in the Divine Theocracy Earth. In this world, he was technically Pangu ’s family since Pan Xian was Pangu ’s real body.

And now, Pan Mei had been convincing other players, using his status as a prodigal son of Pan Xian, the CEO of Pangu Incorporate.

Behind Pan Mei was the Pylon Tower. He leaned on the tower ’s wall, looking at the people in front of him.

Pan Mei laughed at them.

”No. Because I have limited resources, I can only offer you 1k RMB if you give up on the Beta Test and let me kill you. ”

”B-But you said 10 grand yesterday in the telegram! ”

”That was yesterday ’s price. I already have enough volunteers, and I ’m already level 2,000. ”

Ten thousand players looked at each other in dismay.

Unlike the local NPCs in this universe, Beta Testers came here for money. They were here for the server stress testing and let the developers collect the statistics, adjusting the game balance.

However, the game company clearly stated that no players could be revived in the beta test. In exchange, Pan Xian gave them a challenge.

If they could defeat Chaos Realm Faction and Heavenly Dao Universe Faction, he would reward the surviving members with ten million USD.

Because of the challenge, many players competed to join the game. All 100,000 slots were quickly reserved.

But now, something had changed. Earlier today, several players lined up and reported to Pan Mei, but the latter happily killed them all on the Sacrificial Altar. Yet, the dead players smiled as if they had done something worthwhile.

The group of ten thousand players learned about it later from telegram. The dead players, who had already been ejected from the game, revealed what they had earned from dying.

Everybody got 10,000 RMB from Pan Mei!

Because of their greed, these people rushed to Pan Mei, who was in charge of building their faction ’s structures.

”I ’ll take it! I ’ll take the one grand! ” One of the beta testers raised his hand and squeezed himself through the crowd.

Pan Mei grinned, ”Who else? I ’ll only accept 5,000 people since I ’m short on money! ”

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