Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 54: Demons in Human's Clothing

After killing five men, the number above Xu Miao ’s head increased from 550 to 1,350. This was a cruel indication that test-takers could steal points from others!

When the crowd in the same safe zone noticed Xu Miao ’s score, they didn ’t utter a word. They kept the info among themselves, so they could secretly use it to their advantage.

Still, none of them dared to pick a fight with Xu Miao again. They were afraid of the consequences of provoking the Silver Phoenix Sect and Xu Xiuying.

This was an important perk being Xu Xiuying ’s relative. Nobody with common sense would want to offend them. Yu Lin and his gangs were simply idiots, who tried to steal a weapon from Xu Miao without caring about the consequences.

Since Xu Miao was left alone, he managed to finish his make-shift resident, a simple wooden shack. It was big enough for him to sleep under a roof, and he didn ’t have to worry about ants and pests on the dirt.

’Ah, it ’s done. I can finally rest… Wait, is it safe to sleep alone? ’

Xu Miao ’s face twitched, realized his mistake. Since he could murder people in the safe zone, the others also could easily kill him in his sleep. With the delicious bounty flashing on top of his head, he didn ’t need to guess that everybody else was tempted to kill him.

The greatest danger wasn ’t the monster beasts but the fellow test-takers. This was a cultivation world where the strong trampled on the weak.

Xu Miao wasn ’t confident that he could last 3 days without a wink of sleep. He checked the surrounding, observing the safe zone.

Wei Yuan had already left the area. Others also rushed into the dead forest, but a few stranglers remained in the zone, building their camps or crafting their stone weapons.

When Xu Miao was thinking about what he should do to secure a safe place to sleep, multiple rays of light flashed. Golden beams shot up from various places and Xu Miao could see them rising to the sky.

”??? ”

Xu Miao immediately exited the safe zone and climbed one of the tall dead trees to scan the surroundings from the high ground. When he got to the top, he could see a bit further away.

Within the radius of one kilometer, there was nothing but dead trees. However, on the horizon to the north, a faint silhouette of a mountain range could be seen.

About a bit over one kilometer, south of Xu Miao ’s safe zone, a golden beam of light shone, highlighting a place of interest.

Xu Miao could see other golden beams, but they were too far from his location. He couldn ’t rush there without meeting obstacles, such as hidden monster beasts or other examinees.

Since the guy had nothing to do, he followed the nearest golden light, wondering what might be there.

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