Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 349: Prodigal Miaomiao

pending on the agreements of both parties.

After finishing lobbying, Zhou Gongjin and Zhou Tai left Sun Jing ’s manor and returned to Jianye City.

The next day morning, many elders descended the mountain to monitor the sect examination.

As for Miaomiao, he didn ’t need to attend the sect exam as he had already achieved his goal, getting the attention of Sun Wentai and Jiangdong White Tiger Sect.

At 8 AM, Sun Jing ’s servant came to fetch Miaomiao.

”Sir, Lord Sun Jing and the sect master have summoned you. I shall guide you to the sect ’s grand hall. ”

Miaomiao had no problem with it. He followed the servant.

The meeting place was located at the foot of the mountain. Nearby, a battle arena, training fields, and lecture halls of inner disciples were also there. However, tall walls separated the districts apart.

As Miaomiao was walking toward the checkpoint of the grand hall, several inner disciples in their red uniform gazed at him, checking his cultivation base and physique.

None of them mocked or gossiped about him even though Miaomiao stood out from the rest due to his clothes. They simply stopped to look at him.

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