Villain Cultivator (Web Novel)

Chapter 262: Plane Core Fragment

After a brief discussion, Pang Lingming, Ma Ping, and Ma Shoucheng decided to follow Zhao Bao to the orc camp as they wanted to assist the monk. As for other experts, they remained in the city to guard the base.

As for Cao Mao, his appearance reverted to a human.

Suddenly, as if he needed to urgently take a dump, he rushed to the yin slave mansion without hiding his blue face. He picked a random room to sleep.

Just now when he had been chatting with the elders, the second essence river suddenly self-upgraded into another essence sea, but his dantian capacity was at its limit. Thus, the subspace in his body became like a balloon, which was about to burst from the excess amount of air.


[The Dragon Fire Crystal has produced 1,000 strands of Dragon Fire Qi.]

[Your Dragon Fire Crystal ’s level has increased!]


[Warning, your Dragon Fire Qi has the properties of advanced element Qi!]

[Warning, your dantian and physique cannot support an advanced element crystal!]

[Warning, your dantian and physique cannot support an advanced element Qi!]

[Warning, your physical body will stop functioning in 11 hours 59 minutes!]

[Warning, your dantian will explode in 23 hours 59 minutes!]

[Please enter Isolation Training Space and dual-cultivate with Xu Chu to increase the maximum capacity of your dantian as soon as possible!]

It was a weird logic no matter how Cao Mao saw it, but he couldn ’t refute it since it involved his life and death. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

As soon as Cao Mao reopened his eyes and entered the space, he found himself in the middle of an ocean. In shock, Cao Mao swam to the surface to gasp for air.

When Cao Mao reached the surface, his head hit something hard as if there was a ceiling on top of the ocean. However, no ceiling was visible other than the sky and white clouds. It was as if there was an invisible barrier on top of the ocean surface.

’What the hell is going on here!? ’

Cao Mao looked around while he was underwater. Fortunately, the water was transparent. Combining with his improved senses, he could see everything as if he was wearing diving goggles.

Not far from his location, Xu Chu ’s body was floating on top of the ocean water. She was bobbling up and down as the ceiling barrier bounced her back into the ocean. The sea waves also drifted her body around.

Cao Mao panicked. He swam closer to Xu Chu, worrying that she might have been drowned to death.

His worry was for nothing as Xu Chu was still alive. Even when she had been bounced back underwater, she breathed normally as if the ocean water had no effect on her lungs.

Cao Mao was surprised. Then, he remembered that he had a skill that could be used in this situation. He activated one of his forgotten skills, the Turtle Breathing Technique.

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