
No one picked up Nangong Lengyu and Huo Ci’s phones to answer.

“Ling Sheng.” Seeing her leave in a panic, the director hurriedly shouted, “There are only three scenes left.
Where are you going?”

“I’m sorry, Director.
I have something urgent to attend to, so I have to leave now.
I’ll film the scene another day.” Ling Sheng tried her best to control her emotions and calmed herself down.
She tried her best to comfort herself that nothing would happen.
Her father and mother were with Xiaoqi, so nothing would happen to him.

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Before anyone could ask her what the emergency was, she had already turned and ran away.
Knowing her work attitude, if it wasn’t something really urgent, she would never have left halfway.

Ling Sheng asked Mei Xuelin for the phone number of Jin Yu, the director of “Daddy is Superman”.
After two rings, Jin Yu answered the call.

“Are you Ling Sheng?” Jin Yu was anxious as well.
He had stopped filming the show and brought the production team to conduct a search!

Just a few minutes ago, they were still filming the show.
Xiaoqi was playing with a few kids from the guest team.
In the blink of an eye, he had disappeared.
The Movie King and Queen were also looking for him along with the production team.

This disappearance might or might not be a cause of concern, he might have gone somewhere to hide himself.
During the filming earlier, there were children who liked to play hide-and-seek, those brats would probably not come out when you called for them and instead laugh at you secretly while hiding!

This kind of situation had happened quite a few times, and they were all found within a few minutes.
There had never been any accident, it’s always the children being mischievous.

“I’m Ling Sheng, Director Jin.
Where are my parents? Can I trouble them to answer the call?” Ling Sheng held her breath as she waited nervously for the other party’s reply.

“We’re in the midst of filming.
I’ll get them to call you back later, okay?” Jin Yu didn’t dare to tell her the truth.
Besides, he didn’t think it was a big deal.
The child would definitely be found soon.

The entire cultural street had been cordoned off to film this episode.
Apart from a few extras, they were all familiar people and there were also bodyguards watching outside.
It was impossible for anything to happen.

“Director Jin, what are the people at your side shouting about?” Ling Sheng’s ears were sharp and she could hear someone shouting.
It was very chaotic.
Her eyes were cold and her voice was very tense.
“Are you guys shouting for Xiaoqi? What happened to my son?”

Jin Yu didn’t expect her to be able to hear.
Her hearing was so good.
It was also his negligence that he forgot that everyone around him was looking around and calling out to Xiaoqi.
He hurriedly tried to calm her down.
“It’s nothing.
The children are playing hide-and-seek.
The adults are looking!”

“Director Jin, pass the phone to my father.” Ling Sheng felt her heart sink.
Her eyes instantly turned red as she enunciated each word.
“If anything happens to my son, are you going to bear the responsibility?”

“Wait a minute.” Jin Yu’s expression changed.
He knew that he could not hide it anymore.
However, he did not know how she found out about this when she was thousands of miles away.
He hurriedly chased after Nangong Lengyu.
“Nangong, it’s Ling Sheng..”

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