o wash my muddy feet before changing my clothes.
The poor tropical fish had met the wrong owner.


Yoohyun had taken a quick shower because of the muddy water that had splashed all over the place and called me when he came out.

“Do you still think of me as young?”

“What are you talking about, you’re young.”

“I mean, as someone you can lean on.”

“I trust my blood and flesh more than anyone else.”

Yoohyun seemed dissatisfied with my answer.

“If something difficult to solve came up, who will you call first?”

“That would be-“

“Tell me the truth.”

Yoohyun stared at my eyes, and I found myself speaking honestly.

“I would not bring you in.”

I would call Hyunjae Sung or the depraved, or perhaps Simyeong Seok or Taewon Song first.

“Not only you, but Yerim, Mr.
Noah, and Myeongwoo.
It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I don’t want you to be mixed up in trouble.”

They were only kids despite being S class hunters, and I felt I did not need to worry the children if S class adults could resolve it.
I wanted them to conquer dungeons after graduating from college, as if they were finding work if possible.

I especially thought of Yerim because although she had to become stronger since who knew what would happen, she was still too young.
Yerim seemed to find dungeons more interesting than going to school, but she was missing too many classes.

“I don’t like your way of thinking.”


“I’m stronger than you, and I’ll be safer whatever happens.
I won’t be hurt until things go extreme.
I can protect myself, and you seem too worried about me.”

Was I? If I had been overprotective, I would not have let him go into dungeons as he wanted.

“You’re my brother, and, naturally, I worry about you.”

“I think the tables had turned sometimes, like when I deceived you because you might be in danger.
Was this because I avoided you-“

“It’s not that.
I don’t blame you.”

We were not at the period when things went wrong between us, and while I had been shocked because Yoohyun had left and ignored me, there still was hope left.
Things became irreparable between us when the Awakening Center was established.

“You’re the most important person to me no matter what others say, and I admit that I hover over you more as a result.
However, you act the same while trying to protect me, which led you to leave me.”

“That’s true.”

“So, please understand my position.
I will try to tell you everything as much as I can.
I know that you’re anxious because Irin told me.”

“Irin told you?”

Yoohyun looked down on the lizard wrapped around his wrist in surprise.

“I used a mental skill that’s a step above the teacher’s skill.”

“What did it say?”

Yoohyun’s expression became rigid like he thought the lizard revealed a secret.

“It told me to be more affectionate to you, and you’ll calm down.”

“That’s all?”

Do you have any other secrets?”

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