The Merg Battle of Egos

Chapter One The First

There is always a beginning, a start and an end. Just how civilization form from the fabric of imagination. Ideal sparks from the electronic pulses of the cell in which is known as the mind. All thing is made of the same material, atom. All is matter, just arrange different.

Humanity in its all finding wisdom, its advances in the black art they call science, to their religion counter parts. Always under prying eyes, knocking at the walls of existence, the barrier that kept our world separate.

Like caged animals not knowing how vast the universe is. Though within their cage, theyve come close to the truth with in the walls of their imagination. A truly frighting species.

Lets start at the beginning, the very beginning. The beginning of all, ironically start with the big bang, yes, the big bang. Though its wasn the sudden cosmic explosion of energy and matter. No, the true big bang was the first and only, the energy sparks a conscious.

The conscious, the creator of all. Human would have many names, God, trinity, Yggdrasill. Many ways to express how we all came to be. Though us spiritual beings know, we call it the motherly father. The conscious one, and from that one came many.

The very first thing that the conscio

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