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They then let their sister have all their blocks.
Xunxun wiped away her tears with her little fingers, sat on the floor and started to play with her elder brothers.
Since young, both the brothers knew they had to offer up to their younger sister.
Little sister was the smallest, thinnest and of course a cry baby.

All the males in the Lu family doted the females.
Naturally, both the elder brothers also doted on their little sister.
They were fine with not having any fun toys or good food or drinks that they came across, and would generously give it to their little sister if she wanted any of those.
However, never expect them to hand over anything when it comes to strangers.

Little Xunxun was the only girl in the family and also the youngest, which was why everyone poured their love on her, even her brothers who were only a few minutes older than her did the same.
They doted Xunxun and loved her the most.
They would silently accompany her, cry with her, and even refuse to eat and drink if she were to do so.

Heavy snow fell on Sea City.
This snowfall was very heavy as it had been snowing for three days and three nights.
This was Sea City’s heaviest snowfall in recent years, and it was definitely one of the coldest winters ever.

Although it was freezing cold out there, it was warm and cozy in the house.

Xunxun crawled around the floor.
Even though she still walked wobbly, she was good at crawling.
She crawled to the window, placed her small hands on the glass and looked at the vast expanse of white outside.

Lu Qi and Lu Guang immediately looked for their sister when they realized she had disappeared.
They found their little sister by the window, both the boys walked over while holding hands together.
Each of them sat on either side of their little sister, holding her hands while watching the icy white world outside together.

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It was really cold outside.

Yan Huan opened the door with her clothes already changed.
As the weather had turned cold, the amount of firewood needed also increased.
On the contrary, the number of customers coming to have their hair cut decreased as well.
Thus, she got ready to go out and bring back more firewood.

She was afraid that she would let her mind wander if she stayed in one place for too long, which was why she wanted to look for something to do to occupy herself.
Or else, she thought she would really strangle herself to death in a small village like this.

Being in this place was like being totally isolated from the world.
There was no electricity, computer or handphone here.
She could not find anything familiar to her, nor was there anything about her.

She did not even have a proper name here and so far, she was still an outsider, a nameless outsider.

The snow fell continuously onto her.
It was only one or two sheets at first but she lost count on how many sheets had fallen on her after that.
While blinking her eyes, those snow that had fallen onto her long eyelashes were melted away into drops of water by her body temperature.

As a matter of fact, she really liked snowfall.
The weather was not as cold when it snowed, but at the same time, it brought a sense of cleanliness to the world.
In addition to the white midwinter, this place was colorless, cold and desolate.

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After tying up two bundles of firewood, she hauled the firewood onto her back.
Should she now be thankful that she was once enlisted in the army and did all the weight training exercises? Otherwise, she would not be able to adapt to this circumstance so easily.
Now she was able to survive even in this type of environment.

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