erald Dragon activated Life Vision while also transmitting Invigoration through the wall to understand what was wrong with Thrud.

'For some reason, both the violet sphere and the rest of the vortex that the Awakening process forcefully squeezed out of my body is not fading away.
Somehow, I'm retaining both mana organs that the Madness created!' The Mad Queen, however, had already found the cure for her condition.

Thanks to the combined effect of Royal Flow and the Sword of Arthan, she could see the violet mana that her rainbow core had contained until a few minutes back kept trying to return into her body, causing it to be destroyed.

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The explosion released the excess energy and allowed the Unwavering Loyalty array to rebuild her body, just for the cycle to start anew.
It took Thrud a while to get accustomed to the pain without using darkness fusion.

Blocking her pain receptors would have only made it difficult to her to understand what she was doing wrong.

'I wanted to get used to Awakening before moving to the violet core, but it seems that I can't afford such luxury.
Unless I absorb all of the lingering energy from my rainbow core, the Awakening process will never end.' The Mad Queen was aware of the secret of the violet core.

Even though it wasn't written in any of the legacies in her possession, she had understood it after spending centuries researching her condition and studying Xedros for months.

Getting her hands on the legacies and on the description of the different philosophies developed by several different Awakened bloodlines had helped Thrud to deepen her understanding of how a core worked and what she needed to do to move on to the next level.

She used the Sword of Arthan to Dominate her own energy, forcing the mana flowing inside her body to form runes.
Becoming a Griffon had also turned her into a true mage and with Jormun's help before he was released from his slavery, she had already converted most of her spells.

The Sword sped up the process, allowing her to master body casting quickly.
The vortexes became spheres and after a while they became stable.
Then, part of the energy lingering in the room flooded Thrud, bringing her core to violet and then to bright violet in a matter of minutes.

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Yet it wasn't enough.
Even now that her core was filled to the brim with mana there was still what remained from the vortex forcing its way in, making her body explode less often but explode nonetheless.

'Curse you, father.
I lived my life on the run because of you.
I sacrificed countless people for our dream and this is what your so-called masterpiece achieved.
Whatever the Madness did to me, not even Awakening can fix that.

'What was supposed to be the instrument of our vengeance and the source of our eternal rule has become a curse of living death.
Awakening didn't make me powerful, it only turned me into an unliving.

'An eternal prisoner of your accursed academy forced not only to never leave this room but also to experience the pain of death over and over until my mind will break!' Thrud fell to her knees, too tired to fight a battle that she considered already lost.

Her mind shattered as the agony reopened old mental scars and plunged her into despair.
Then, her eyes met those of Jormun who was slamming his hand against the glass and on the small figure he was holding in his arm.

'You've taken everything from me, father.
My mother, my Kingdom, and even my birthright.
I won't let you destroy what little I have.
What I earned during the last few centuries I got it not thanks to your legacy, but in spite of it!' She thought.

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