ation was, Luke arranged beautiful and cute big sisters as his sparring partner.

Naturally, Mindy, Nikki and Monica were the sparring partners.

They would be on break soon.

After a week of adaptive training under Luke, Joseph was kicked out of the house every few days to be taught a lesson by the beautiful big sisters.

The three girls were all curious about Luke’s little brother.

First of all, Joseph looked like Luke.
He was clean, handsome, polite and nice to listen to.

Secondly, this guy was very smart, unbelievably even more so than Luke.

When it came to learning, the three girls combined weren’t even half as good as he was.

Finally, the guy was as weak as a chicken, and in this respect wasn’t like Luke at all.

Any one of them who stepped forward could press him to the ground with one hand and make it impossible for him to get up.

It was a good thing that Luke had specially taught Joseph some basic tricks to ensure that he wouldn’t be hated by girls for being too straight.

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Joseph gradually relaxed.

In Luke’s words: “Humans are also an art, especially women.
Grasp their emotions, and you can control half the world.”

Joseph was suppressed by the three girls when it came to fighting, but he was very smart, and made them laugh from time to time.

The originally arduous combat training had become interesting.

Luke left his brother to Mindy and the others.
There was nothing to worry about.

Firstly, he was indeed busy.

Secondly, bitter training with his big brother was obviously less interesting than making progress with “friends.”

Among the three girls, Mindy was indeed a little twisted, but she was normal when she was with Nikki and Monica.

These two were genuine high school students.
They had superpowers, but only trained themselves.
At most, they dealt with hooligans.
They had never killed anyone.

Luke didn’t just want to purely cultivate Joseph’s combat abilities.
If he did, he could give Joseph some learning materials and make him train hard for eight to ten years.

The most important thing was to increase Joseph’s interactions with other people and for him to preserve a normal personality.

It wasn’t a bad thing to be a shut-in or a geek, but it would be best if that was Joseph’s own choice to make when he grew up.

He didn’t want Joseph to be taciturn when he was young, only to realize that he had no other choice once he grew up.

How many shut-ins didn’t want to be uninhibited? If they could be open about it, would they really want to continue being reserved?

Joseph trained with the girls, and the sparring sessions with Luke increased from once a week to two or three times a week.

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Joseph had been stunned the first time he saw Luke’s spars with the three girls, who played around with Joseph during training.

He knew that Luke was good, but he didn’t know exactly how good he was.

After this period of training, Joseph’s interest could be considered to have been piqued.

Training with the three girls had taught him what it meant to “yield in the face of absolute power.”

After analyzing things, as was his wont, he quickly came up with a rough estimate of his and the three girls’ strengths, and slowly made improvements.

Privately, Joseph felt that after working hard for three to five years, his physical development and training, coupled with his high IQ, would be enough to crush the girls.

But the moment he saw Luke fight them, he realized that his big brother would forever be his big brother.

In order to leave a deep impression on Joseph, Luke chose a 1v3 for the spar this time.

The three girls punched and kicked up a storm, and Luke easily blocked all the attacks with both his hand targets.

The four of them jumped and ran as they fought in the area outside Mindy’s house.
The way they fought was completely beyond Joseph’s expectations.

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