ones that seemed correct.

The thoughts in his mind were like the brilliant stars in a galaxy.
His Qi moved about like shooting stars, and inspiration was bursting through his brain like fireworks as he concentrated on every possibility.

Just when he had arrived at an important part of his thought process, a loud shout suddenly came from outside, “Gu Suihan! Come out right now!”

His train of thought was instantly broken, and the trance-like state he was in disappeared as he snapped out of his own little world.

He narrowed his eyes unhappily at being disrupted and instantly unleashed a murderous aura from his body.
Questioning Heaven leapt three inches out of its sheath.
His murderous Qi instantly covered an area within a few hundred meters radius, creating a reddish and bloody-smelling layer of clouds in the sky.

The doors to his yard opened without him having to use his hands, and he didn’t bother hiding the rage in his eyes, aiming it directly at the person standing outside the gate.
“If you don’t have a good explanation for needing to see me right now, then forget about returning home in one piece.”

The man who had shouted for Gu Suihan outside the gate gulped nervously, and his heart palpitated with fear as he looked at the terrifying young man in front of him.
But when he thought about who was behind him, he pulled himself together and did his best to remain calm.
“You’re the one who robbed the Fenglin tax ships back then?”

Gu Suihan burst out laughing from being too angry.
He didn’t say anything, but a bright red beam of light shot out from his eyes and hit the other man in the eyes as quickly and as violently as lightning.

Boom! Everyone outside the gate stared in disbelief as the man who had shouted earlier was now nothing but a headless corpse.
His skull was now a mess of bones and other liquids while blood spurted out from his neck.

“Any last words?” Gu Suihan scanned the rest of the man’s companions as his expression only grew more murderous.

At that moment, the only sounds left were the harsh winds blowing past and the heavy, horrified breathing of the dead man’s companions.

An elegantly dressed young man behind the dead man’s body looked warily at the bloody clouds in the sky that blotted out the sun as well as the corpse on the ground before him.
He then looked up at Gu Suihan with a solemn look on his face and only forced himself to smile after a long time as he said, “Brother Gu, this is indeed a very interesting way of receiving guests.
But we mean no harm.
We’re just here to ask a few questions.”

“A few questions? You mean no harm?” Gu Suihan couldn’t be bothered to talk to these people anymore.
He gave his sheath a pat, and Questioning Heaven instantly flew out.
Its sharp blade was pointed straight at the spot between the elegantly dressed young man’s brows and unleashed a thick cloud that smelled of nothing but blood.

The thick cloud filled the air like a jiaolong that stirred up the seas.
His sword Qi surged like the tide, its humming becoming louder and louder.
Gu Suihan flew forward so quickly that he became a blur, thrusting his sword toward his opponent with enough murderous Qi to fill the skies.

“How dare you!” The elegantly dressed young man immediately got angry and took a step back in shock.
But he quickly realized he was in danger, so his eyes widened and he took a large step to the side.
The explosion that followed turned all the stone slabs on the ground into mere rubble.

His bones rattled in unison and let out the roar of a tiger.
His robes tore, revealing his bronzed, muscular arms covered in veins.

“The Great and Vast Sky!” he yelled loudly as his fists were filled with enough internal energy to punch a hole in the sky.
His heart thumped as loudly as war drums, booming loudly as he threw a powerful punch fearlessly toward the oncoming sword that was just a few inches away from him.

Moments before the two were going to collide, Gu Suihan’s lips curled upwards into a mocking smile. What an idiot, thought Gu Suihan.
By fighting a sword with a punch, it meant that either this young man was a complete idiot, or there was someone more powerful whom he could rely on to save him.
Gu Suihan could see that immediately.

The sword in his hand suddenly stopped just before it collided with the young man’s fist.
Gu Suihan stepped lightly on the ground to fly into the air.
Stopping his attack so suddenly made him feel a little nauseous, but he instantly retreated a few hundred meters in a matter of seconds.

His robes flapped loudly as he stared down at the people in front of him.
He ran a finger down the blade of this sword, coating it with a thin layer of blood.
With the nourishment of his blood and the energy within, Questioning Heaven suddenly vibrated as loudly as thunder.
The ferocious beasts around the cross-guard seemed to come alive, and everyone felt like they could hear a hair-raising violent roar all around them.

The tip of his sword drew so many patterns in the air, mincing the air with a sword Qi that was enough to shatter a dam or flood a city, then surged toward the elegantly dressed young man like clouds in a storm or like a rushing river.

The elegantly dressed young man’s eyes bulged, and his face paled from having to retract his attack.
He stared a little despairingly at the sword Qi surging toward him like the gushing waters of a river, as though shooting stars were coming at him.
He thought of dodging the attack, only to realize that he didn’t have enough time to move at all.

“You resorted to trickery!” he shouted furiously as his bronzed skin was covered in tiny wounds from the sharp sword Qi that rained on him.

His instinct was to raise his arms in front of his head, howling miserably with a contorted look on his face as he tried to endure the excruciating pain that felt like he was being skinned alive.

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