you dare touch this zombie and then refine him into a zombie!!”

He burned with fury as the old zombie was already in poor shape.
One of its legs was just a stump, a large cavity gaped in its chest, and the ship’s last blow had almost crushed its body to pieces.

Jiang Kui stared down Lu Yun as he tightened his hand around Haidong Lin’s neck.

“There’s no need for you to do the deed, I’ll kill him myself,” Lu Yun sneered.


A secondary cannon suddenly activated aboard the ship and fired upon Haidong Lin.

“What?!” Jiang Kui staggered with shock.
Who would’ve thought that there’d still be operational cannons on the ship?? He didn’t have time to respond before Haidong Lin and his entire right arm was blown to pieces.

This was the last thing that Jiang Kui had ever thought would happen!! Haidong Lin was supposed to lure Lu Yun into their trap, but Lu Yun had killed the man himself!

“Death by my hands is better than becoming a zombie by yours,” Lu Yun leered.
“Jiang Kui, is it? You got away last time, so I’ll have your head today no matter what! Chu Xingran, ready your curses!”

Jiang Kui was here in replica form; only Chu Xingran’s curse dao could kill a primary body through a replica.

“I’ve been ready.” Chu Xingran appeared next to Jiang Kui like he was a ghost and bestowed a beaming smile upon the man.
“I’ll take it that you’re not meant to die today if you have another Lifeline Talisman on you.”


A tiny black ripple snaked over Jiang Kui’s body and his physical form began to decay at a visible pace.
Instead of panicking, he simply stared at Lu Yun with a deep hatred.
He didn’t fault Chu Xingran for this since they shared a grudge to begin with, and now that hatred extended to Lu Yun.

“Looks like you do indeed have another Lifeline Talisman… Why are you so rich?” Chu Xingran stroked his smooth chin with annoyance.

A Lifeline Talisman could die in place of the owner, and it used to be that everyone could use such a talisman only once.
Possessing more was meaningless since additional uses were ineffective.

In recent times, a stunning genius had emerged out of nowhere to improve upon the talisman.
Infinite uses were possible and the new talisman went for astronomical prices.
It was also impossible to replicate, no matter through refinement method or ingredients.
In all of the worlds throughout the realm, only that person could refine the new and improved Lifeline Talisman.

Jiang Kui had two such talismans—one of the original variety, and the second was the new version. 

Chu Xingran wouldn’t be able to buy the second type even if he sold himself.


The Corpse Refiners in the tomb erupted with confusion after Jiang Kui died.
His battle zombies milled around aimlessly and the other sect disciples fled.

“Get in!” Lu Yun sneered to see Corpse Refiners running off.
Jian Bu’er and the Demonic Vine quickly boarded the ship, no longer daring to alight after witnessing how powerful it was.

After Chu Xingran came aboard, the ship roared with power.


Pillars of black light sprayed everywhere, disintegrating everything it touched.
Eight thousand new Corpse Refiner Infernum then appeared on the ship.

etvolare's Thoughts

A sudden genius out of nowhere…
improving upon old stuff…
guys, does this sound suspiciously familiar?

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