Monster Integration

Chapter 600 Infected I

ssive energy wasn ’t this dense.

This thick suppressive energy dangerous, especially when one circulated as it could crack the soul, I could feel this suppressive energy I am circulation has reached the very end of my soul limit, and it increased even little, then will start harming my soul.

With my circulation of thick suppressive energy, the infection stopped spreading, but it had still covered 60% of my soul. I had thought that would this amount of suppressive energy circulating in my soul, not only will the infection will stop but quickly begin to cleanse away, but to my utter surprise, there is no quick about this cleansing process.

This green infection had not only spread quickly, but it had also spread quite deep inside my soul, and even with me circulating, this thick amount of suppressive energy, the cleansing speed is very slow; it is barely discernible to the eyes.

Whatever that Greem smoke is, it is horrifying, just extremly faint wisp of it was so dangerous that it could kill the white elite, then I wonder how dangerous would be its real power.

Only Golden Elite will be likely able to face its real power; I think even they will have to be careful of it.

This smoke was released by the leader of the Grimm Monster, whose power is equal to the Guild Leader of S Cla.s.s Guild, that the Grimm monster ought to be very powerful.

Only Grimm Monster powerful as it could have such strange power; this green smoke is very infectious; it is not an Occult Method; it is eit; it some soul ability or either Mystical method.

I think it is a Mystical Method, as I ’ve never seen anyone using a soul type ability before, but I never saw anyone use the mystical method also, but I still feel this strange infection energy is Mysticle ability as it ’s effects are too mystical.

The infection is getting cleansed, and through the speed of cleansing is very slow, it is still getting cleansed, and that is not the only thing that is getting cleansed. Suppressive energy is circulating through my whole soul, which means not only it cleansing the infection part of the soul but also a good portion of the soul.

I started to feel its effect from the moment, I had begun circulating it and would have enjoyed it if not for me being overwhelmed in pain, I still feel that overwhelming pain, but it is a little manageable now that I got used to it.

If I am not wrong then, after I cleansed my soul completly of the poison, it would take me at most a week maximum while minimum a second after I finished cleaning all the infection; I hope that happened, but nothing cant be said about the secrete method.

This method only has one circulation, which made it impossible for one to guess when one going to make a breakthrough in it.


I was circulating when I got a pleasant surprise; I had created a seal of supreme combat exercise. I had created one few days and did not think I would able to create one this early as I had made zero progress in the 38th seal.

I had just kept circulating it unconsciously, and before I know it, the seal is of supreme combat exercise is created.

Step Step Step…

I was reeling in joy when I heard the hard steps, it had been half an hour since I got infected by green smoke, be it Grimm monster or a human did not dare to get close to us till now but seeing how strangely we are lying but now someone had finally come.

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