( Inside the virtual world , Purplehaze city, The True Elites Guild hall )

Rudra had called for a full house attendance for today ’s meeting , he wanted to address the guild before the coming selections for Japan .

Rudra looked across the room , as he could feel the excitement in the air , today was supposed to be the Japanese selections , and every Elite wanted to get a spot in the national team.

Many Elites were not native Japanese. And had migrated with Rudra ’s invitation , hence they did not care about the national cause , but wanted to fight in the VR Olympics for personal glory. It was because of this mentality that Rudra wanted to address the crowd today.

Rudra said ” Well , the VR Olympics is coming In December , and I am happy to see enthusiasm in the guild members for the event. The world will be watching every event closely , and it is a chance for those with ambitions to shine.

Unlike other guilds which have members from all around the world , we are all Japanese nationals now.

I know that most of us hail from different parts of the world and Japan is not our home country. I myself am a immigrant here, hence I understand the sentiment.

With nationalism out of the picture many of you may feel like competing for personal motives in the competition. Well , I won ’t say that it ’s right or wrong , but here is what I have to say.

Yes since everyone of us Elites are from the same country , in the national selections we may end up competing against each other for the same spot.

I want to make one thing clear , that any tension that arises because of lost position in the VR Olympics between guild members will not be tolerated.

We are a family here , and the selections are fair , those who earn a spot are not superior to you , they just performed better , and earned their spots.

We are all a family , and will cheer on the winners and motivate the loosers , everyone is equal in the guild , you win one bronze , or three gold ’s , your treatment in the guild will remain the same …. Is that clear? ”.

” YES , GUILD MASTER ! ”. A loud response came from the crowd .

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