Taking the child from the nanny, he looked at his condition while Kathleen staggered and rushed closer.
Luci’s appearance, who was slightly convulsing, was the same as last time.

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‘It’s because of the poison.’


Cavel said that it is something that can often appear in infants, but her intuition was saying so.


“Bring the imperial physicians!”


When Peter shouted, the servants rushed out.
In an instant, the luncheon was a mess.
Kathleen, with trembling hands, unbuttoned Luci’s robes, and said to Alexis.


“Please lay him down on the sofa.”


Alexis followed her instructions and laid the child on the sofa.
She quickly dipped her handkerchief in a glass of water and put it in his mouth to keep him from biting his tongue.


It was his first time seeing the child’s convulsions for the first time, and the reason why he was able to move quickly, with no childcare knowledge, stemmed from his years of experience on the battlefield.


The physician rushed into the dining hall.
Alexis’ eyes didn’t move away from Luci even while first aid was being administered.


Peter was looking at him with stunned eyes as if she was thinking the same thing as her.
Kathleen nodded her head, biting her lips close to bursting into tears.
Eventually, Peter also dropped her head.


The convulsions did not last long.
The previous imperial physician who had taken part in the assassination of the emperor had been executed so it was a newly appointed imperial physician who examined Luci.
Luci soon regained a peaceful state and fell asleep.
Her child’s cheeks were wet with tears, and looking down at him, her heart ached as if it was going to break.


The imperial physician, who was hastily chosen for her accession, bowed his head, apologizing that he did not know enough about newborn babies.


“In newborns, it is difficult to determine a clear reason.
However, since it was accompanied by a high temperature, I think it is necessary to call a physician or a pharmacist who is knowledgeable about infants and get the medicine they prescribe.”


The child’s skin was indeed warm in Kathleen’s arms.
She was guessing, but she had already expected a diagnosis that she had nothing to worry about.


‘I wish I was sick instead.’


She wanted to take the pain even if she had to suffer hundreds or even tens of thousands of times.
Kathleen hugged his little body and cautiously spoke to Peter.


“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but I have to go.”

“Luci is sick, you don’t have to apologize.”


Once Peter had ordered the imperial physician to accompany her and allowed her to return, Alexis said.


“Please lend me a horse of the imperial family, Your Majesty.
I must go first and call our physician.”



The horses that pulled the carriages were not imperial horses.
What Alexis requested for was a warhorse selected among the best and sharpest among any other in the Empire.
To use them, the emperor’s permission was required, but ordinary nobles could never be permitted except in times of emergency.


But without hesitation, Peter agreed.
The aides, Count Schenberg and Viscount Rylent, were also surprised by the extraordinary gesture.

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“I’ll go first and have Cabel on standby.”


Alexis whispered to Kathleen and ran out of the dining hall at a brisk pace.


“Go quickly.”


Peter patted Kathleen’s shoulder with worried eyes.
She embraced her child tighter.


‘If Luci is sick from poison, no physician can cure him.’


There were two solutions.
Kathleen thought she must protect her child no matter what.


“The people of the Walten family seem to be very important to Your Majesty.”


After seeing off the Grand Duke of Walten and his heir, Count Schenberg looked down at Peter’s face as she stared at the departing carriage and spoke to her.


“You attended the coronation ceremony and the conferment of titles together, allowed the young master Walten to visit the Imperial Palace on a regular basis, and also sent your newly appointed imperial physician with them.”

“The Grand Duke Walten is my older brother and his heir is my nephew.
There is no reason not to treat your family that much.”


The face of the new emperor, who still couldn’t take his eyes off the moving carriage, looked bitter.


‘She’s definitely unique for an emperor..’


As a woman who ascended the throne, he thought that she would be more wary of Grand Duke Walten, but it was unexpected.


“You would understand because your sister was special too.
Do you not?”

“… I wasn’t a good older brother to Kiana.”


Unknowingly, he revealed his true heart at the sudden question.
When he saw the wonder in Peter’s eyes as she turned around, he felt like a fool.


‘I shouldn’t talk about private things.’


He roughly glossed over it.


“It would have been nice if we had a friendly brother and sister relationship like Your Majesty.”

“Grand Duke Walten and I have a friendly relationship?”


Peter laughed as if it was ridiculous.


The Grand Duke is going easy on me.
I have to apologize until he forgives me.”

“Then I might be better off.
Apologizing is more difficult than you think.”

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“… It might be.”


Peter no longer asked questions about his sister.
Count Schenberg quietly followed after her and vowed again.


He should not be swept away by futile sentiments for the new emperor because she was a woman, and nothing would change that in the future.




Upon arriving at the grand duke’s residence, Alexis was waiting in front of the main building and immediately opened the carriage door.


“Cabel is waiting.
Let’s go up to the bedroom.”


Alexis gently led her hand, breathing roughly as if he had been running around.
Kathleen hastened her gait with her child in her arms, but as she tried to climb the steps, she kept losing strength in her legs, she staggered.



“……Take Luci with you.”


She had to choose now.
Kathleen clenched her teeth and handed her child over to him.


“Luci is okay now.
He’s just sleeping.
That’s what the imperial physician said in the carriage.”


The imperial physician, who got out of the carriage last, hurried into the front door carrying his bag prepared for house calls.
Kathleen beckoned to him and said to Alexis.


“I think I sprained my ankle a little, so I’ll go upstairs after receiving treatment on the first floor.
Take Luci with you.”

“I’ll be back soon.”


Alexis hurriedly went up to the bedroom on the third floor with the child in his arms.
The nanny and Emily, who ran out late, also followed Alexis.
As they moved away, Kathleen lifted her body up.


“Your Highness the Grand Duchess! Please do not move.
I heard you hurt your ankle.”

“It’s okay.


Ignoring her pain, she called the old butler.
He came closer and asked cautiously.


“Yes, Madam.
Can I help you?”

“No, I don’t need it.
I’ll need you to call someone instead.”

“Who are you talking about?”



Alsdorf’s face hardened at the name that came out of Kathleen’s mouth, although she spoke softly so that the servants around her could not hear.
Kathleen said it again with certainty.


“Bring Miss Edith to the annex as soon as possible.
It must be quick, but the Grand Duke must not know.”


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Alsdorf realized only when he saw the young child who was exhausted from convulsions for the second time, and his mother, who was looking for a pharmacist rather than a physician.


“……..I understand.”


He bowed his head deeply.
Only after that did Kathleen limp up the steps, and the imperial physician hurried after her.


The bedroom door didn’t close and remained open.
The child lying on the bed was convulsing again intermittently, and Dr.
Cabel was persuading Alexis with a perplexed look.


“The condition of the young master is different from that of ordinary children.
The reason is unknown, but the symptoms are similar.
How about giving it a try?”


Without thinking for a long time, Alexis brought his hand into his coat and pulled out a small glass bottle.
He opened the stopper and dropped a small drop of the dark green medicine into the child’s mouth.


After a while, the child’s face became noticeably more comfortable.
As Dr.
Cabel began to examine the child again, Kathleen entered the bedroom.


“Didn’t you treat the Grand Duchess?”


Alexis, seeing her limping, glared at the imperial physician with sharp eyes.


“I insisted on going up and getting the treatment here.”


Kathleen turned her gaze to Luci and looked to Dr.


“Is he okay now?”

“Yes, Madam.
It seems so.”


She was convinced and ordered Emily to change her child’s clothes.
The bedroom was cluttered with people bringing towels and hot water to wipe his body.


“Let me see your ankle first.”


Alexis forcibly pulled Kathleen away from the crib and made her sit on the sofa.
He then saw her swollen ankles under her skirt.


“It’s not bad, but the ankle is swollen and she indeed has a sprain.
Your Highness.
You have to stay as motionless as possible.”


When the imperial physician diagnosed her, Alexis called a maid to bring an ice bag.


“I’ll put the bandages on her so you can go back to the Imperial Palace.
Also tell His Majesty that nothing major happened.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


As the imperial physician retreated, Alexis sat down next to her and rolled up the hem of her skirt.
She felt a chill as the cold ice touched her swollen ankle.


“Luci will be fine.”


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There was no certainty in the voice she heard as he gently rubbed her ankle.


‘You don’t even know why he’s sick…’


The tears in her eyes warmed up as he tried to do his best to reassure her.
Her heart melted at his consolation, but she was still filled with resentment.


“I’ll make sure of it.
Don’t worry.”


Alexis promised several times, wiping the tears from her cheeks.


‘But you can’t make Luci better.’


Kathleen tried to make up her mind to be strong.
To protect her child she had to move herself, and not rely on anyone else.


When the swelling on her ankle subsided, Alexis bandaged it.
After taking the medicine, Luci also fell asleep and was breathing stably.


“First of all, the medicine the Grand Duke had on hand seems to be working.
We will have to look at the young master’s condition over time, but I’d like to treat him that way first.”

“What medicine on hand?”


It must be a cure for the southern scorpion venom.
As a guess, Kathleen asked sullenly.
As expected, Dr.
Cavel was perplexed and replied meekly.


“It’s a medicine made just in case His Highness goes to war.
It’s mainly taken when he’s in extreme pain….
I didn’t make it, so I can’t give you a detailed answer.”

“I will explain.”


Alexis was about to step up.
A knock was heard and Alsdorf entered.


“Madam, the guest you have called has arrived.”

“I’ll go down.”


Kathleen immediately stood up.


“You called a guest?”


Alexis followed and stood up with a puzzled face.
Kathleen turned towards the door, but looked back at him and said.


“Yes, I called for the person.”

“Who is it?”

“The person who can explain the medicine best.”


She willingly added an explanation for Alexis, who did not immediately understand.


“Miss Edith.”

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