

“……” The little girl, who had no head and no idea how much thinking power was left, fell into a long silence.


After a while she asked Xiao Lan: “What is this ……
you just ……
said ……”



The memory is basically goodbye to mind games when it looks like you don't remember anything at all.


Xiao Lan repeats, “Do whatever you want.”


The little girl thought for a long time, so long that Xiao Lan thought she was asleep, before she stifled a reply, “……
for ……
whatever you want.”


She probably only remembered one word for.


Xiao Lan picks up, “Do whatever you want.”


The little girl, completely oblivious to the fact that something was wrong, continued her silence with another long thought, “For what ……
wants ……”


Wang Taidi and Luo on the sidelines: “……”


This thing is called Idiom Solitaire?


You two can go on infinitely with an idiom, and you can last until dawn, why bother looking for a head? It's like you're bullying people's children into thinking that they're not smart.


With the ample time that Xiao Lan had delayed, the two men rummaged around the room.


During this time, there was a distant scream that was somewhat inaudible past the weakened iron gates, and it was not clear who had been hit.

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Finally, Luo made a discovery, reaching out and tapping a wall, which had a hollow crunch of stone slabs that were clearly different from the ones nearby.


Determining the extent of the hollow, Luo's fingertips extended sharp black nails and he raised his hand in a casual gesture and stabbed into the wall, cutting a square gap in the hard stone slab like a sharp blade through a piece of paper.


Behind the gap is a Little Xiao space, like a secret compartment, containing a basket of stitches and a rag doll in a red cloak, which, if you look closely, looks exactly like the one on the little girl, an exquisite miniature version.


Unfortunately, I don't know if it was played with by a rough bear, but the head of the rag doll was ripped off and thrown aside, the cotton at the break exposed and covered with broken threads, looking very poor.



“Found it.” Luo walked over to Xiao Lan with the rag doll and the basket of needles and thread and handed it to him.


Xiao Lan took it and waved the rag doll in front of the little girl's cloak.


The little girl, however, did not respond, as if she had not seen it, though she did seem to be invisible without her head.


“Does she need help sewing it up?” Luo guessed.


“Most likely.” Wang Taidi's little curly hair came up to him and he asked Luo, “Fei Luo will you?”


Luo: “……”


As a non-human, he was even clothed in the illusion of his own being, and by human definition, he could only be considered naked, so how could he possibly sew such skills.


He looked at Wang Taidi, who also looked vain: “My family ……
used to be sewn by my brother, and I've seen it a few times, or should I try?”


Wang Taidi was full of uncertainty and wondered if Aunt Xiao would twist his neck if his stitches were crooked.


Xiao Lan stopped him, “I'll do it.”


Sewing is an essential skill for us poor people, how else would we wear a garment for ten years.


Xiao Lan expertly threads the needle and then picks up the head of the doll, his stitches are fine and dense and look flat and strong.
Aunt Xiao, who was playing infinite idiom solitaire, seemed to know what Xiao Lan was doing and she quietly stood by and waited, looking surprisingly well behaved.


A few minutes later, Xiao Lan had attached the doll's head and even found a piece of red cloth in the basket to make a bow for her to cover the break in her neck.


Xiao Lan patted the dust off the doll and reached out to hand it to the little girl.


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This time, the little girl reacted.



She took the rag doll and hugged it tightly to her chest, then lifted her head to reveal her face under the cloak, with large watery eyes, a slight blush on her cheeks, and small delicate lips that surprisingly resembled the rag doll.


The little girl flashed a happy smile at Xiao Lan and disappeared into thin air.


The three men breathed a sigh of relief in unison.


“You have received the 'Blessing of the Red Doll', which increases your luck by 20%, valid for this game only”


I never thought there would be a windfall.



After waiting for a while to make sure that silence had returned to the corridor, Xiao Lan climbed up to the high ventilation window and expertly unlocked it, and they left the room to take advantage of the night to look for clues to the key.


The quiet rule was part of “Grandma's” rules, and her hearing was sharp, so the three of them kept their movements as light as possible all the way around the house, quietly looking for clues.


We also communicate with each other on a small handwritten board contributed by Wang Taidi.


A room ahead caught their attention, the door a little larger than all the others, with potted plants and a scrap of carpet on the floor, looking very well decorated.


Hiding around the corner, Wang Taidi writes: Is this the grandmother's room?


Xiao Lan nods: a high probability, but we need to get a little closer to confirm.


He was about to take another step forward when Luo squeezed his shoulder.
Xiao Lan looks back and sees Luo reaching out and pointing to another corner a short distance ahead.


There is a small sound of footsteps coming from over there, undetectable unless one listens closely, and Xiao Lan hides back around the corner, watching covertly.


The author has something to say.



As a non-human, Luo is even clothed in his own body, which by human definition makes him a naked runner.


Xiao Lan: So you just ran around naked in full view of everyone for over 70 chapters? And it's going to go on and on?


Luo: ……

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