hoking mood, Fu Zheng struggled to survive, saying, ”Well…
no, forget it.
Mazdas are relatively small compared to other cars of the same price.
It's not comfortable or powerful, either.
It would be better for me to save up a bit more and look for something better… ”

”No, no, no, this is just you being prejudiced against Mazdas.
They might be small, but there's absolutely no problem with their quality.
They might be a bit low in power, but they also don't consume much fuel! On top of that, they handle very well; this Mazda has a G-Vectoring Control system, which helps you steer.
They call it 'the King of Turning Corners'! ”

But the question was, could one still experience the thrill of being the King of Turning Corners after switching from a Pagani to a Mazda?

Fu Zheng had long been spoiled by all sorts of luxury cars.
Forget a Mazda – to him, even ordinary non-sports cars were just about as fast as tractors…

But when he looked at Ning Wan's sincere, serious eyes, and listened to her obviously well-researched words, Fu Zheng felt unable to bluntly refuse.
But to put down 50,000 yuan on a Mazda? It's wasn't about money anymore, this was an insult to his taste…

Thankfully, he still had his quick wits.
Proving that in the end he wasn't a senior partner for nothing, Fu Zheng soon thought of the perfect reason to refuse.
He pretended to seriously consider the black Mazda, hesitated for a moment, and then said–

”I'm thinking I won't buy it. ”

Ning Wan was a little surprised.
”What's wrong? Do you not like this car? If you don't, I can look around for something else.
Getting a good deal on a second hand car depends on luck, but if you're willing to put in some time and effort, getting something practical and economical isn't too hard… ”

”No, ” Fu Zheng said, putting on a thoughtful and decisive expression.
”I've decided not to buy a car. ”

Before her startled eyes, he said without turning a hair, ”I've thought hard.
Cars depreciate rapidly, and though I now have a little money to spend, I'm still not yet well-off enough to buy whatever I want.
I think a man should first buy a house.
Once I have a house, then I can consider purchasing a car. ” Looking at her, he said solemnly, ”I was a little irrational just now.
Now that I've calmed down, I think that compared to a second-hand car, I would prefer to buy a house. ”

Ning Wan was quite stunned to hear him say this.
Then she laughed, looking quite relieved.
”Fu Zheng, you've finally grown up! This is an excellent mindset to have! Houses are still the best way of investing, and especially for you, since you're currently in need of one! ”

In this manner, she really did leave off recommending used cars to Fu Zheng.
Instead, she asked a few casual questions about the house he had in mind, how big he envisioned it, whether he had any thoughts on location, and about the down payment…

Fu Zheng happily and equally casually made up a few reasonable answers.
He wanted to a small apartment with convenient transportation.
For his down payment, he made up a number that was neither too high or too low, but which was definitely too low for the sort of house he said he wanted to buy.
Not only would this answer Ning Wan's courtesy concerns, but it would also put an end to the possibility of her showing him a second-hand house.
After all, there was no way he would be able to afford a place at the current market price with the 'saved down payment' number he had mentioned.

Ning Wan really didn't ask any further questions.
She only said a few encouraging words, and then went back to looking at cases.


It's said that the amount of time in a day in which people can concentrate on their studies is limited.
Afterward, any more studying would have diminishing returns.
Ning Wan had been reading cases all morning.
At first she was able to analyze them well, but later on her head started to hurt looking at them.
But without them she had nothing to do, so instead of simply sitting around in the office, she ran to Old Ji's office next door to chat that afternoon.

Old Ji had been very busy recently preventing and raising awareness for financial scams among the community.
He was out every day putting up posters and handing out leaflets, and was getting more and more tanned.
When Ning Wan came in, he vented to her and then they chatted a bit about what had been going on recently at the community.
Then all of a sudden, he seemed to think of something.
Giving her a mysterious look, he lowered his voice.
”Ning Wan, I've come across the opportunity to make a fortune… ”

Ning Wan blinked.
”Aren't you recently trying to raise community awareness about financial scams? Why does this sound exactly like one? ”

”This is business, ” Old Ji answered grumpily, glaring at her.

”Well, what is it about? ” she asked dutifully.

”Buying a house! ”

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