Fu Zheng immediately pulled Ning Wan behind him, standing in between her and Tao Xing and using his own body to protect her.
Although he attempted to avoid it, the boiling water splashed on him and his suit got wet.

“Fu Zheng, are you alright?”

He obviously should have gotten scalded, but Fu Zheng only frowned slightly before looking at her.
“I'm glad you're okay.” He paused, then answered her question.
“I'm fine.”

His words were simple and his tone was calm, without even a hint of asking for credit.
But the more it was so, the more Ning Wan's heart throbbed.

Although there were times that Fu Zheng was cold and arrogant, underneath he was kind, a gentleman.
Such conduct in which he would protect her wasn't surprising at all.
He would probably have done the same for any other girl, let alone his colleague, but even knowing this, her heard still pounded like a drum.

In fact, she had recently begun feeling like she hadn't been quite normal recently.
It wasn't like Fu Zheng hadn't looked like this since the beginning.
In the past, even though she had known that he was handsome she hadn't paid much attention to him, but recently she hadn't been able to stop herself from secretly watching him.
Even though she kept telling herself not to be distracted, often by the time she realized it she was already watching Fu Zheng.

He was only one out of thousands of perfectly ordinary interns, yet she felt like there seemed to be some sort of halo surrounding him.
Even when they were obviously working on a trivial, ordinary community case, she felt like he was somehow dazzling in the ordinariness.

But now wasn't the time to think about these things.
Ning Wan tried to shake off the thoughts in her heart and frowned at Tao Xing.

Tao Xing's eyes were bulging with anger, and she still seemed very worked up.
Her Her voice was loud and she seemed very agitated.
“It wasn't my fault that he got lost.
I did everything I was supposed to be doing.
I was just walking him when all of a sudden a man in a mask and hat, grabbed the leash and kicked my dog hard! Duoduo was so shocked he ran away.
The man chased after him, caught up to him, and dragged him away, I couldn't keep up.
Only after searching did I find Duoduo again.”

She was becoming more and more furious, and her voice was becoming louder and louder.
“I still feel like I should be the one complaining to the community! How could they let such people in1?! A dog thief in broad daylight! Duoduo is like my child, would that person get sentenced if they're caught?”

Although Tao Xing's manner was fierce and aggressive, Ning Wan paid it no mind.
Her brow furrowed, she caught upon the crux of the matter in Tao Xing's words.
“Do you happen to have any proof that of your dog being suddenly attacked and dragged away?”

She had always felt that it was rather strange that the dog had gotten lost and jumped off a building by itself.
Even animals knew how to take care of themselves.
A regular pet dog would never have gotten loose from its owner, run up the stairs of a tall building and jumped off a balcony by themselves, while few dogs would make their way to a rooftop to stumble and fall.
Dogs weren't stupid.

Now listening to Tao Xing, she had come upon a new way of thinking.
She turned to look at Fu Zheng, and at the same time, Fu Zheng turned to look at her.
Without speaking a word, the two saw the same tacit speculation in each other's eyes–

Could the dog have been thrown off the building on purpose?

Pet infringement law used the principle of no-fault liability.
Whether or not the owner was at fault, so long as the pet did damage, the owner was liable.
However, if the damage was thanks to the intentional or gross negligence of a third party, the owner had some legal ground to defend themselves.

In order to protect the interests of the victim, they could first seek compensation from the dog owner, and later the dog owner could seek compensation from that guilty third party.

To make things simpler and more straightforward, and especially since Tao Xing didn't want to first voluntarily compensate the victim, then in order to avoid intensifying the problem – if the dog really had been deliberately thrown downstairs, as long as the dog thrower could be found, then the dog thrower could be the one to bear the liability of compensation.
Only if they couldn't be found would they resort to the second best option, first suing Tao Xing.

Tao, do you have any evidence of what you just said?”

“Yes!” Seeing that Ning Wan and Fu Zheng didn't question her story, Tao Xing seemed to calm down a little.
“That road had surveillance cameras, and I asked the property for the video.”

As she spoke, she turned on her phone.
“Here, see for yourself.”

The video showed a a man of medium height wearing black trousers and a cap, his face almost covered by its huge brim and a black mask.
But for his physical characteristics, he wasn't recognizable at all.

As Tao Xing said, she had been walking the dog on its leash when the man, who seemed have been waiting in ambush in a strip of trees, suddenly jumped out.
He aimed a vicious kick at the dog, and taking advantage of its fright, attempted to snatch the leash from Tao Xing's hand.
After pushing Tao Xing to the ground, he kicked the dog several  more times before dragging it roughly away.
The dog had naturally struggled desperately and while barking, turned to bite the man's wrist…

Just from watching the video, one could see how fierce was this “man vs.
dog” war…

“That man! What a psycho! I called the police! Since Duoduo bit him, there were blood samples at the scene, which the police collected, but they didn't have a DNA match, so at least the person doesn't have a criminal record.
What bad luck.
Who knows where this psycho came from…

Her tone once again became anxious.
“And now you're saying that something happened to my dog after this man towed it away, that it hit someone, but I can't be held responsible for this, can I? I never caught up to the person.
After searching round the whole community, Duoduo just came back by himself.”

Ning Wan frowned as she watched the video.
After Tao Xing fell to the ground, a tall man ran up from behind her, dropped whatever he was holding, and immediately helped her up.
They spoke a few words to each other before immediately chasing after that man dressed in black…

“Who's this?”

There was another witness at the scene who had followed after the man in black and given chase.
Perhaps they might also have witnessed the man in black losing the dog.
For some reason, Tao Xing had not volunteered this important information.

Because Ning Wan had asked, Tao Xing added awkwardly, “This is my husband, but he'll soon be my ex-husband.
We're currently going through the divorce procedures.
It was a coincidence that he had come to speak about the divorce that day, and we happened to meet just as the man in black stole my dog.
I sprained my ankle when I fell down, so he went after him, but after a while he came back and said that he couldn't catch up because the man in black had run too fast.
Thank goodness my dog was alright and came back on his own later…”

Her mood fluctuating greatly, Tao Xing was now once again depressed, as if she might shed tears on the spot.
She hugged her dog to her.
“In my heart, Duoduo is my child.
I really don't know what I'd do if something happened to him.
I don't know how I'd go on.”

“You can see what my circumstances are like.
I'm divorced from my ex-husband, and the divorce will leave me penniless.
All the money I have, I spend on Duoduo.
He's both my family and my child.
I really don't have the money to pay for your colleague's medical expenses, but with what happened to him and the shock Duoduo got, I, too, want to find that person who suddenly jumped out and beat and stole him, and file a lawsuit.”

“It's not like I'm not grateful.
If it weren't for your colleague, Duoduo would have died.
If I could, I'd like to bring some fruit and take Duoduo to visit his benefactor to kowtow in thanks…”

Ning Wan waved her hands around.
“No, no, there's no need.”

Don't joke around.
Although the dog probably wasn't at fault, Chen Shuo was already depressed enough thanks to this unexpected disaster.
If he saw it again he might die of fury.

At that moment, Fu Zheng, who hadn't spoken much before, intervened.
“Don't worry, Ms.
I have a feeling we'll be able to find the person who tried to steal your dog.”


In the end, Fu Zheng soothed Tao Xing and obtained the contact information of the husband she was divorcing before leaving.

Coincidentally, as soon as the door opened they bumped into a man carrying a basket of fruit who had just been about to knock.

Tao Xing started.
Her aggression, which had just relaxed, flared up once more.
“Xia Junyi, how many times have I told you, don't come and see me! It's hopeless for you and me! All I want from you is a divorce! Having Duoduo is enough for me!”

It was inappropriate to be present for private affairs like this.
Ning Wan and Fu Zheng hurried out, leaving behind only the hysterical shouts of Tao Xing and the barking of previously meek, docile Duoduo.

Having left Tao Xing's home, the two of them stopped in the peaceful shade of a tree.

Fu Zheng wasn't a man with a boastful personality.
Since he had assured Tao Xing that they had a direction to work in, he naturally had an idea.
As soon as they stopped, he laid it out very logically and clearly–

“Let's have the police ask around the nearby hospitals to see who received a rabies vaccine the day of the accident and the next day.”

The man in black who had laid the ambush obviously hated dogs,.
Anyone who could kick a dog so ruthlessly would never trust the dog's good health if they got bitten.
It was highly likely that he would go and get a shot.

Since Tao Xing had reported this incident to the police, then they could use the police to investigate.
There would likely be results forthcoming very soon.

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