data-pw-mobi= ”leaderboard_atf ”>

“Locusts… Passing By?” Fu Qiuning was stunned.
She carefully thought back to how Jiang Wanying’s maidservants had triumphantly [2] swept through the room and swept out again with the flowerpots behind their mistress, who had breezed out of the courtyard in a stately procession… like a locust queen leading a group of… colourful locusts…

Suddenly, not only Fu Qiuning but Aunt Yu, Yu Jie and even Jin Changfeng started to laugh.
Jin Changjiao looked at them blankly before puffing up her cheeks and demanded, “What’s so funny? I didn’t say they were locusts, I just say they are missing a pair of wings.
That’s right, I forgot to say their heads are bigger than locusts and- and… I forgot the rest…”

Fu Qiuning saw that Jin Changjiao’s little face was bright red with anger, arms akimbo, nearly puffing with anger like a bullfrog.
She held back her smile and leaned down to comfort her, “Yes, yes, our Jiao’er is correct.
That was a large group of locusts, a large group of big locusts.
Well, well, well, looks like I shall have to make Chicken Stew with Mushrooms tonight.
Oh, but what about our courtyard rules? There cannot be two meat dishes on the table, therefore, Feng’er, shall we dispense with the Braised pork? Is that alright?”

Jin Changfeng puffed up his chest and nodded vigorously, “Of course, the elder brother should give way to his little sister.
That’s what mother taught me.”

At this, Jin Changjiao looked a little embarrassed.
Fu Qiuning looked at this pair of siblings, stood up to smile at Aunt Yu, “Look at those well-clothed, well-fed people just now.
Are their lives truly ten times, a hundred times better than ours? Though we live in the same estate, are their lives are as comfortable and happy as ours? Come, it’s time to kill a chicken.”

Aunt Yu and Yu Jie happily agreed with smiles on their faces as the ladies made their way to the backyard to prepare the promised chicken dish.
Jin Changfeng and Jin Changjiao headed towards the study, not needing Fu Qiuning to supervise them as they went off to practise calligraphy on their own.


Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~


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Now then, let’s take a look at what Jiang Wanying was up to.

After snatching the pots of aromatic plants away, she immediately ordered her servants to head straight for Health & Longevity Court.
Old Madam Jin just happened to be chatting with a few other older people from other houses in the clan when Jiang Wanying sailed in with the servants bearing the potted aromatic plants.
A faint fragrance followed after them causing everyone to stand up and investigate.
Old Madam Jin, seated on the kang bed, looked on curiously, “Wan girl, what have you brought in?”

Jiang Wanying hurried over to greet the Old Madam with a smile, “Old Madam, these are aromatic plants.
Don’t you think they smell good? They are even better than the usual cut flowers in vases.”

At this, the Old Madam said with interest, “Oh? Is that so? Quick, bring them over for me to see.”

Jiang Wanying ordered her people to bring over the pots of flowers and plants.
Old Madam studied them for quite a long time, saying how these aromatic plants were really quite beautiful, how fresh they look.
Delighted, Old Madam pointed at some jasmine and said, “I know these are jasmine, but what about the others? Moreover, they smell really good, even better than incense.”

Old Madam’s question left Jiang Wanying dumbfounded.
She only recognised the jasmine, but as for the others? She quickly laughed and said, “I encountered them and thought they looked good and brought them to honour Old Madam.
Who knows what they are called? It’s just some aromatic plants.
I’m sure Old Madam only found them interesting because they are new.
After a while, surely they can’t look better than fresh flowers?”


[Gumihou: I’ve seen a lot of comments from Novelupdates that derided FQN’s ‘soft’ attitude and how she does not act like a modern woman at all and did not stand up fiercely enough for herself.
Here’s the thing, she has to consider not just herself but the two children under her care.
If she acts too roughly, what are the possibilities that the children would be bullied or taken away? It’s one thing to be like Su Nuan Nuan when she only has herself to consider but in this story, the MC has to consider the kids too.]

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Think of the children!!

[1] Raise One & Infer Three – Make deductions or inferences from one idea.
Capable of advanced thought



[2] Gumi has… exaggerated this scene…



Pill Bug TL Notes:

No notes today, but that’s alright.
Gumihou has plenty to say, lol.

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