rong>Pitter patter.
Pitter patter. 

Raindrops fell on the tent. 

After a few drops, it soon started to pour.

It seemed like a downpour was passing over.

When the tent was filled with the sound of rain showering against the roof, just for a split second… 


Zelle cried sorrowfully.

She was going to be recorded in history for the first time in her life other than that one line of her name.
But she didn’t know how to cry as a bird.

She didn’t even know why she was crying.


Valhayle silently watched the bird’s tearless cries surrounded by the ambiance of rain.




It was the day before she was going to be sent for the 3rd mission.

She finally heard about the status of her siblings.

“There’s news that the 3rd princess’s body has been located.”

Valhayle’s face darkened as soon as he heard that.

But from his rather unsurprised reaction, Zelle could sense that this wasn’t the first death reported. 

Zelle’s 3rd older sister.

The sister that was not close to Zelle at all.

The sister she barely met once a year…

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Is dead. 

“Where is the body.”

“The first report was from the Black Defense Wall…”

The soldier couldn’t continue.

The Black Defense Wall was still under the captivation of Granoir.
Even if they located the body, it was impossible to retrieve it. 

The distant sound of Valhayle ordering something to the soldier flowed into the tent. 

Zelle was lost for words for a while and began thinking.

My 4th older brother. 

He was born to the same mother as the 3rd princess.
Was he not found with her?

On the day of escape, the two escaped together in the same direction.
Their mother, the 2nd consort, had been with them.

If they got away successfully, they would have survived together; if they were caught, they would have died together. 

Granoir wouldn’t needlessly dispose of the body in separate areas so it was strange. 

If the other’s bodies were not found…

‘Could they be alive?’

Zelle grasped onto the hope of the 4th prince’s survival. 

The 4th prince was the favorite child of King Lespelle the 1st and the most supported royal descendant in Voymont.

If he was alive to aid the 1st princess, it would be really beneficial in rebuilding the country.

But the thing that made her uneasy was that the 3rd princess and the 4th prince didn’t get along. 


Zelle ended her thinking there and shook her head. 

Now was the time to mourn for the dead. 

After the soldier left with Valhayle’s orders, Valhayle slowly sat down and pressed his forehead with his palm.


That was the 5th death out of the 11 royal descendants. 

The king and the 4th consort ended their lives in the castle so only 10 of the royal family were alive. 

4 consorts and 6 royal descendants.

All the consorts were from powerful families so if they did escape safely, they could have contacted their families for protection.

But none did.

By now Valhayle was starting to suspect if there was anyone that was purposely hiding their news of survival. 

If not, why is there absolutely no news on survival?

But there was no reason behind his suspicion.

The royal family had no reason to hide their survival from Roheneim since Roheneim would risk anything to save them. 

Valhayle calmed himself and reined in his suspicions. 

It wasn’t always easy being logical in wartime.

There was just no news yet. 

Or they are just not in the right situation to make their survival known yet. 

Or perhaps they are being really, really careful.

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“Just one.”

Valhayle mumbled despairingly.

“At least one of them should be alive.”

He reassured himself and turned towards the birdcage. 

There was a bird sitting on a porch with a weird bummed-out face. 

“You have to go to Lopecce again tomorrow.”

He subconsciously talked to the bird again. 

The bird nodded as if it understood. 

Valhayle’s face stiffened. 

Whenever the thought that he was talking to a bird crossed his mind, he couldn’t help but feel like he was losing his mind.

“By the time you come back, this camp could possibly be wiped out.”

The bird widened its eyes as if it was surprised.

Valhayle clenched his jaws.

“If that happens, you will return to Lopecce and stay there.”

Valhayle thought of the battle that was soon to happen after this bird was dispatched. 

He thought about the battle so many times that now his imagination felt so realistic

There was no hope if they lost this battle, so this was planned meticulously and fiercely.

But the bird seemed uneasy. 

Valhayle gave the bird a piece of meat left over from his meal earlier. 

“But if things turn out in our favor…”

He could feel the bird holding its breath and listening intently to him.

Valhayle spoke with certainty.

“The distance of your return will be way shorter than the distance you traveled.”

Since if they won, they will be able to push the front line much further.

The bird didn’t even glance at the meat and looked into Valhayle’s eyes. 

And that feeling came back again.

That feeling of uncomfortable pressure.

When he tried to find the source of that feeling by staring back, the bird floundered and hurriedly ate the meat. 


Although he felt like he was being tricked, Valhayle dismissed that feeling.

It felt reassuring that the bird wouldn’t be in the tent alone during the battle.

This bird could perhaps feel the clouds of war or perhaps it could hear the bloody battlefield. 

No one in the camp here could avoid this battle but he was grateful that he had the authority to keep the bird away from the battle.

No, get your head straight.

There’s nothing to be grateful for about that. 

Valhayle shook his head.

The bird looked at him warmly.

Then he left the tent to attempt to forget about the bird and the dead princess. 

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