been yours.” 

Tantai Jin doubtfully asked, “It should be mine?”

“That’s right!” Liu shi excitedly said, “So one day, you must return to the Zhou Kingdom and take back everything that belongs to you.
Power, strength, and beauty.
Everything that belongs to Xiao Lin belongs to you, including his country’s land.
When you rule the world, all of them will be nothing but ants4 under your feet.”

Tantai Jin was silent for a long time and finally revealed a smile, “It will all be mine.”

However, fourteen years later, Xiao Lin was Xiao Lin and he was still himself.
Anyone in the cold palace could humiliate Tantai Jin.
A nobody who couldn’t be shown in the light and could be trampled to death if Xiao Lin wanted to.

Unfortunately, as a kind and upright person, Xiao Lin not only didn’t trample him to death, but often helped him.


Tantai Jin thought, if their identities were switched, would he help Xiao Lin? No, he wouldn’t.
He clearly knew that there was a faint voice saying, you would torture him to death and kill him with pleasure.

The world was grotesque and multicoloured.
He felt a little breathless.
The cold palace was hot in summer and cold in winter.
He lacked clothing and food.
Liu shi’s bitter voice was constantly reminding him, snatch and seize.
You can’t be so useless.
It’s yours, everything is yours!

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The power of the purple World Toppling Flower spread throughout his body.

Brutality grew in his heart and Tantai Jin’s fingers gradually tightened. 

However, at that moment, someone pried his lips open and he felt a softness on them.

His fingers moved and the uncontrollably growing brutality stagnated, causing a hint of confusion.

He didn’t know what had happened but all his sensations were gathered on his lips.
He forgot Liu shi, Xiao Lin, and the Empress, and forgot to chase power and wealth.

At that moment, only one feeling was clear.

Tantai Jin’s Adam’s apple rolled slightly.
He was still unconscious but he wanted to catch this feeling.
It was very warm and had a freshly sweet taste, like back when he was sitting alone in the palace, watching a delicate and unbending flower blooming little by little under a heavy rain that fell upon the earth.

He had stared fixedly, wanting to go over and crush it, but in the end, he stayed in the palace and didn’t move at all.

That was probably the only rare taste of fear he’d ever had, thirsty but also dreadful.
He wanted to catch it, but in the end, he didn’t even dare to go near it.

The sensation on his lips became even warmer, so much so that it had overpowered the faint fear, and almost relying on instinct, he enthusiastically responded, hoping that she would give him more. 


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However, before he could thoroughly pick it, a slender finger pressed against his forehead.
Tantai Jin let out a groan and lost consciousness. 

Su Su had immediately poked him unconscious.
She touched her own lips that were slightly swollen, and was a little angry. As expected, an evil creature is an evil creature. She was absorbing the power of the World Topping Flower, but what was he doing?

She pried open Tantai Jin’s fingers that were tugging at the corner of her clothes and sat cross-legged beside him.

Tantai Jin needed an eye to live, and now that the divine weapon had entered her body, her eye could remain clear and not rot.
It would keep him from going insane and seizing the eyes of mortals and demons.

Curved Jade was unwilling to wake up.
Perhaps it was afraid that it would cry.
It had watched Su Su grow up and protected her for a hundred years of peace, so it couldn’t bear to see her suffer.

Su Su, on the other hand, was very calm.

The so-called Great Dao couldn’t be generous at the expense of others.
Whose eyes weren’t eyes.
Since she wanted to save someone, she would do it herself.

She removed the blood-soaked cloth that covered Tantai Jin’s eye.

Su Su whispered, “Today, I’ll save you, but in the future, when I return from the Abyss of Desolation, I’ll still kill you.”

The young man’s eyes were closed and he didn’t say anything5.

Her slender fingers softly brushed over his eye socket.
Su Su covered her own left eye, wanting to cry from the pain.

This lonely path, in the cold and desolated human world in the first month of the year, she must continue to walk on no matter what.

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