The black pigment moved to the crimson eyes.

Black dots were seen inside the eyes.
Su Ping sensed a profound stream of Ashura Energy inside the beast king! Yes, Ashura! The noble kind of the undead creatures!

Su Ping was worried.
He had failed to cut the beast king’s head off before and it would only become harder for him from that point on.

“It’s over,” the young man with crimson eyes thus announced, his voice hoarse.
The world fell into darkness.
From that darkness came out a claw.
Su Ping quickly lifted his sword to defend himself but the claw had smashed Su Ping into the ground.

It was too fast!

The claw had pushed him further into the ground before he was able to stand up.


The white bones outside Su Ping’s body were breaking The broken bones would continue to heal but the claw would push Su Ping even harder, before the healing could be completed; the cracks on the white bones were deepened.

Su Ping bit his teeth.
He poured all of his energy into the Little Skeleton.

The cracks on the white bones were healing faster.
The bones were eventually able to withstand the strike.

However, right then, the young man came down from above and stomped on Su Ping’s chest.

The bones were breaking! Su Ping was able to sense that the Little Skeleton would not hold for much longer.

Is this the end?

Su Ping remembered that Su Lingyue and Li Yuanfeng were still in the scroll; the Inferno Dragon and the Purple Python were still in the contract space and the Dark Dragon Hound was still there with him.
He could not allow himself to die!


He was much too weak in comparison.

“I will trust them to you.”

Su Ping made a decision.
He didn’t have the luxury of thinking at his leisure.

All hope was lost.

Since death was inevitable, he had to at least save some of them.

He tried to summon the Dark Dragon Hound back to the contract space.

The contract space would open up in a random place around him after he died; that “place around him” could mean a large area.
There was a good chance that his battle pets could end up above ground and they would have a chance to live.

As for the Little Skeleton, it had to take the scroll away for him.

The Thousand-eyed Demon Beast was powerful but it would find it quite hard to kill the Little Skeleton.

The white bones were still trying to protect him.
Still, with greater and greater stress, the cracks began to widen.

There were so many cracks on the white bones that it was offending to the eyes.
But still, like a miracle, the bones didn’t break into pieces! What made the skeleton last that long? Su Ping felt a feeble message in his consciousness.

It was a message of love and affection.

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The magnificent Skeleton King’s image appeared behind Su Ping.

The Skeleton King sat on his throne and looked at the world of white bones from a height!


The Skeleton King stood up and shouted.

That shout dispersed the darkness.

The darkness went away as if a curtain had been lifted.

The darkness was gone and the Dark Dragon Hound was able to see Su Ping again.
It hurried to him at once.

Su Ping was thrown toward the Dark Dragon Hound and he fell on its back.

The fur was as sharp as a sword, but then it immediately turned soft to brace Su Ping’s fall.

Su Ping was covered in blood and his skin was covered in cuts.
However, there were no more white bones protecting him!

The white bones were still under the beast king’s claws!

Su Ping looked at the Dark Dragon Hound.
He felt feeble and the force outside him disappeared.
He turned around and saw that pile of white bones under the young man’s feet.

White bones were scattered on the ground.

He had been thrown away!

Of course, the Little Skeleton did it.


Without him as the body, the white bones were stomped into pieces!

Su Ping felt he could barely breathe.

The Dark Dragon Hound snarled in pain as well.

It would fool around with the Little Skeleton often and they shared a deep bond.
With Su Ping, the Little Skeleton, that tall and big dude (what the Dark Dragon Hound would call the Inferno Dragon,) and the Purple Python… They would explore and fight in the cultivation sites.

They would trust each other with their lives.

Together they had endured Su Ping’s tortures and they had trained together.

They had seen too many terrifying beasts.

They were friends!


The young man gazed at Su Ping.

Right then, the white bones gathered once more and formed the Little Skeleton again.
Then, the Little Skeleton dashed forward and slashed at the beast king with its bone blade.

The young man reacted quickly.
He grabbed the blade with his claws and kicked the Little Skeleton away to smash against the wall.
The Little Skeleton fell to pieces.
But the bone pieces quickly reformed the Little Skeleton and it made another try.
In the meantime, Su Ping heard something in his mind.

GO… The Little Skeleton was telling Su Ping to leave.

Su Ping would rarely cry but tears filled his eyes.

Back at the Longjiang Base City, the Inferno Dragon had stood up to become his last shield during that beast strike.
The Little Skeleton was doing the same thing.

That might be a frequent occurrence for the other battle pet warriors.
Battle pets would sacrifice their lives to buy some time for their masters to get away.

Pets were supposed to be disposed of like that, right?


Su Ping remembered how the Little Skeleton would always look at him with its googly eyes and would always behave.
How could he have the heart to use the Little Skeleton as a tool so that he could escape?

That was a skeleton, but on top of that, the Little Skeleton was Su Ping’s dear friend!

The most important friend!! “Go and help out!”

Su Ping shouted but his voice was hoarse.

He had merged with the Little Skeleton when he was fighting the young man and tried teleporting many times, gradually using up his strength.
He could barely move a finger at the moment.

But the Dark Dragon Hound was still there with him.

He knew that his order was unreasonable.
But he could not bear the thought of leaving the Little Skeleton alone to run away!

The Dark Dragon Hound looked at the Little Skeleton but didn’t move.
That was the first time it had disobeyed Su Ping’s orders!

The Dark Dragon Hound heard a warning in its mind.

It was a warning of fatal danger.


The Dark Dragon Hound picked up Su Ping in its mouth and ran! The contract started to burn and corrode the hound the moment it began to run!

Su Ping was stunned.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Su Ping shouted at the Dark Dragon Hound.

He knew the Dark Dragon Hound was afraid of death, very much so.

Ninety percent of the skills it had learned were of the defensive kind!

But why would the Dark Dragon Hound disobey him at the risk of its life?

Stop now! You’ll be burned to death!” Su Ping shouted.

The Dark Dragon Hound looked straight ahead, determined and resolute.
It did not stop.
The burning was painful but the pet ignored it.

It ran and ran forward.

Su Ping looked back.
The Little Skeleton was stalling the Thousand-eyed Demon Beast; he was barely able to see them.
“I know you’re trying to save me.
But… do I

erve this?” Su Ping took back his order but the flames didn’t disappear right away.

A moment later, the flame-covered Dark Dragon Hound left Su Ping next to a wall, then used its claw to dig out the scroll and turned around

Su Ping was surprised.

“Where are you going?” he asked.
He already had an idea.

The Dark Dragon Hound turned around and gazed at Su Ping.
The violence in its eyes had been replaced by affection and peace.

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They looked at each other in that dim-lit pathway.

Su Ping immediately understood his pet’s intention.

It carried him there because it didn’t want him to die!

It was going back because the Little Skeleton was its friend!!

The Dark Dragon Hound turned around.
Violence again filled its eyes.
It dashed away with determination.

Su Ping finally came back to his senses.
He knew that the Dark Dragon Hound was ready to help the Little Skeleton with its life.

But death was inevitable!

Why would the Dark Dragon Hound withstand the pain from the flames and save him? Why would it go back when it was safe already?! “Ah…” Su Ping shouted.

Finally, he recovered some strength.
He used that strength to open up his contract space.


The Dark Dragon Hound was pulled back into the contract space.

The contract between Su Ping and the Dark Dragon Hound was the Archean contract that could enable him to call back his battle pets as long as his battle pets were within a certain range, plus, the space was stable and the battle pet was not currently under attack.
Su Ping couldn’t just stand idle as the Dark Dragon Hound headed to its doom! The Dark Dragon Hound struggled but eventually went back to the contract space.
Su Ping had exhausted all of his energy.
Utterly frustrated, he felt he was a complete loser.

“Wait for me…” Su Ping said to the Little Skeleton in his consciousness.

The Thousand-eyed Demon Beast would be unable to kill the Little Skeleton for the time being.
If he stayed there, he would do nothing other than drag the both of them to their deaths.

The Little Skeleton had given him a chance.

Su Ping knew that he would only slow the Little Skeleton down.


Su Ping opened the scroll.

Two people came out in a hurry.
Both Li Yuanfeng and Su Lingyue were startled to see Su Ping covered in blood.
“Ping!” Su Lingyue shouted.

Li Yuanfeng turned pale from fright.


Su Ping mustered the energy to tell them, “Take me away.
My battle pet is stalling that thing.
We need to get out of here.” He knew that the faster they left, the less stress the Little Skeleton would have to face.

The Thousand-eyed Demon Beast would probably be unable to kill the Little Skeleton.

But, it could end up dying for real if it had to stall the Thousand-eyed Demon Beast for a very long time so that they would get away.

Li Yuanfeng could not believe that Su Ping’s battle pet was able to stop that thing.

But then again, that was not the time to find the answer.
He helped Su Ping stand up, poured some astral powers into him and said to Su Lingyue, “Let’s get out of here.”

Su Lingyue held Su Ping’s other hand and she, too, poured astral powers into him so that he could heal.

She knew that saying one more word would mean wasting another second for nothing.

Regret would not help her at the moment.
She had been the cause of it all.


Li Yuanfeng told Su Lingyue to support Su Ping with her hand while he explored the way.

Su Lingyue and Su Ping followed Li Yuanfeng.

Su Ping remained silent.
He tried to mobilize the Chaotic Star Chart to gather more astral powers.
Getting more astral powers could give him hope of getting out of there.
He kept a brave face while sorrow ate him inside.
That was what it meant to be a warrior.
The Chaotic Star Chart enabled him to absorb astral powers quite quickly.
The vortices in his cells were spinning quickly.
Several minutes later, Su Ping felt he had recovered some astral powers; he was later able to move by himself thanks to Su Lingyue’s continuous influx of astral powers.


A beast king rushed at them.

Li Yuanfeng made a swift move, killing it immediately.
Su Ping was the one who had fought the Thousand-eyed Demon Beast.
He could not trouble him with an average beast king anymore.
The three of them hurried to escape.
Li Yuanfeng had taken charge of eliminating the beast kings along the way.
After about ten minutes, when they went through another fork in the road, they saw a swirl up ahead.

An exit!”

Li Yuanfeng was happy to have found an exit that quickly.

It would not take them to the Field of Ice, but it would lead them to safety.

The Thousand-eyed Demon Beast was at the Fate State, but there would be complicated formations outside the swirl which would diminish the strength of those beast kings.
That was why the Thousand-eyed Demon Beast had not left that place to roam about.

Having found an exit so soon came as a surprise to Su Ping.

“Let’s go,” Li Yuanfeng said.

Su Lingyue helped Su Ping get into the swirl.
Su Ping took a moment before he stepped in; he felt that the Little Skeleton was still alive.

He knew how sturdy the Little Skeleton’s life was.

When something killed the Little Skeleton and the world of the undead was about to take it back, the Little Skeleton could draw energy from the world of the undead and come back to life!

That ability alone made the Little Skeleton become almost immortal! Of course, this could be prevented if there was a special method that could stop the Little Skeleton from absorbing undead energy from its homeworld.

Find a chance to escape.
I will find you.
Su Ping conveyed his intention to the Little Skeleton.
He wasn’t sure if the Little Skeleton would receive that message accurately since he was far away, but the contract would allow for them to know each other’s locations.
Once he left the Deep Caves, the Little Skeleton would know and it would also leave.

The Little Skeleton would then be able to run for its life.

“Let’s go.”

Su Ping repeated his message to the Little Skeleton several times.

“Let me go first,” Li Yuanfeng said.
He was worried that there could be beasts outside.
Su Ping was in no shape to stop beast kings.

After two seconds passed, Su Ping went into the swirl as well.

Su Lingyue was right behind him.
The world spun.
Su Ping saw blue skies and green grass when he opened his eyes.
They were in a plain!

Beasts were crouching on the grassland.

Su Ping saw the sun in the sky.
Is this… outside?! This is the surface?!

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