pets of the thunder family of the offensive type!

“Thunder Roar” was also an advanced pet skill, quite common.
It was a skill that advanced pets used for deterrence effects.

Apart from those skills of the thunder family, the other ones were quite peculiar.

Soul Eater and Life Drain were used by pets of the undead branch of the demon family which were common amongst them.

Claws of the Undead was a common skill of the undead.
As for the Undead Calling, it was an intermediate level skill of the undead.
The caller could summon the undead for help.

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As for the last one, Death Deceit, it was an authentic undead pet skill.
One could fake death and lose the breath of life completely.

“I didn’t know that pets of the thunder family could learn skills of the undead.
I think it is rare that a pet could learn the skills of another family.
Such things can only happen either because of coincidence or due to living in a different environment for long periods of time.”

Su Ping found it both strange and funny when he saw that Undead Calling.
If, on the stage, a low-rank Lightning Rat would suddenly unleash Undead Calling to summon an undead to cooperate, that view would twist people’s fundamental values!

“Having stayed in the Chaotic Realm of the Undead for five days, the little guy seems to have changed a bit.
In addition to the thunder energy, there is undead energy mixed within.
That is why this little thing is able to use undead skills.”

Su Ping looked at the Lightning Rat by his feet.
On the surface, it did not seem to be that different from the average Lightning Rat.
Differences could only be found after a closer check, such as the fir color, the sharpness of its fangs, and the color of its pupils.

“That is to say, in the future, when I take the Little Skeleton to a thunder realm such as the Thunder Cloud Realm, could it learn to use skills of the thunder family?” Su Ping wondered.
He couldn’t help but laugh as he pictured how the Little Skeleton would generate lightning, waving its hands with a dull look on its face.

But he did understand that it wasn’t easy for a pet to learn the skills of other families.

This time, they visited a top-level cultivation world that was rich in undead energy.
That had exerted a great influence on the Lightning Rat.

If they had gone to other sites, the effects might be less obvious.
Just relying on average battles, it would have taken an incredibly long time for a pet to learn the skills of other families.

“It’s such a shame to give away this genius Lightning Rat.” Su Ping felt sorry.
But he did have some comfort since his Little Skeleton would remain.

He sent the two pets to the pet room and bought an elementary nursing pen for the Little Skeleton with the last 10 energy points he had left, so that the Little Skeleton could rest there.

After they went to sleep, Su Ping left the pet room quietly and headed to the lobby where he finally had the time to collect the rewards the system had given him.

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“What is this ‘Chaos Star Chart’?”

Su Ping was curious.

He had just collected the reward when a vast and simple presence suddenly came into his mind, instantly drawing his consciousness into the unlimited and boundless universe, making him a tiny wisp of consciousness in the starry sky.

Around him were spiral galaxies, surrounded by countless stars.

In the next moment, those cosmic landscapes were condensed at a rapid speed, turning into a ray of light and shrinking to enter his body, with galaxies matching various body parts.

“Chaos Star Chart…”

Some ancient consciousness surged out from this information.
The reward of this main quest, the “Chaos Star Chart,” was an archaic method for astral power cultivation!

Su Ping was marveled at this because the cultivation methodology of the “Chaos Star Chart” was simply stunning.
He would be the vast universe, and the acupuncture points, muscles, and bones throughout the body would be the corresponding stars.
This methodology was nothing like the astral power cultivation practice used in the federation, a method he had barely come into contact with!

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