uctive, eh?” Li Wei thought, “I’ll try with a metal rod.”

“Why get a metal rod, isn’t there water here? Water conducts electricity as well.” Luo Yi looked at him like he was looking at an idiot.

“Ohhh.” Li Wei had also become a little nervous and excited, so he felt that his IQ had dropped.

He squatted down and felt the water, then looked over at Mario who was fetching water  as he frowned.
“You’re probably mistaken, right? There was no electricity since Mario can’t even feel it.
He would feel the electricity if he’s wet.”

Luo Yi also squatted down and felt the water, finding nothing.

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At that moment, Mario turned to the two and said, “The water is full, let’s carry it over.
What are you two doing?”

Luo Yi looked at Mario and asked, “Did you feel a slight electric current?”

“I can feel a bit of wind, but where the hell is the electric current coming from? Is there a leak?” Mario wondered.

Li Wei was greatly disappointed.
“I told you it’s not easy to awaken one’s abilities.”

He remembered that Luo Yi was upset when he had stung him earlier on, and he immediately said, “Don’t move, you just keep this mood and put your hand on the water to see.”

Luo Yi put his hands back into the water and this time, a powerful stinging electric shock surrounded the water, making it move like it’s boiling.

Then on the side, Mario started to twitch nonstop, pouring a big bucket of water down his body.
After his hair puffed up like a lightning bolt had struck him and his eyes rolled up, Luo Yi finally realized and pushed Li Wei away.

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Mario’s entire body was charre; he already had a dark skin tone, but now he was so darker that only his teeth could be seen.

He collapsed in the pool, and his whole body twitched randomly once in a while like a fish on shore that was about to die.

is the whole world against me…” Mario glanced at Li Wei, the culprit behind this, and fainted right after

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